Vankkoja ratkaisuita koneeenrakennukseen
Kaivuri, maatalouskone, nosturi, painokone, kaivoskone, käsikäyttöiset sähkötyökalut, kaikki ne joudutaan nykyaikaisessa tuotekehityksessä ja tuotannossa perusteellisesti testaamaan ja koestamaaan.
Jo monia vuosia olemme toimittaneet 'avaimet käteen' mittausratkaisuita johtaville laitevalmistajille. Tarjolla on myös erikoisvahvoja laitteita kuten imc CRONOS-SL kaikkein ankarimpiin olosuhteisiin; iskut ja tärinä ja äärimmäinen kuumuus ja kylmyys.
Useimmiten laitteet kytketään tutkittavan koneen kylkeen keräämään monia eri signaaleita kuten rasitukset ja venymä, voimat, liikkeet, tehot, kierrosnopeus, ja ohjaussignaalit. Kerätyt signaalit voidaan analysoida ja laskea, siirtää käytettävissä olevia datayhteyksiä pitkin ja monitoroida helppokäyttöisen, monipuolisen graafisen käyttöliittymän avulla.
Application note: TRUMPF
Expertise in mobile applications
- Load measurements and initial operation tests on large cranes and lifting equipment
- Measurements of construction equipment (excavators, wheel loaders, rollers, dumpers)
- Long-term measurements and initial operation tests on agricultural machinery such as harvesters or tractors
- Vibration and oscillation measurements in accordance with EU standards on hand-operated power tools (e.g., drills and angle grinders)
- Measurements of bending and torsional vibrations in aircraft engines undergoing operational approval
Expertise in stationary applications
- Initial operation tests of gas turbines
- Torque monitoring for generators
- Testing of mechanical seals for pumps, mixers and all types of machinery, in which rotating shafts must be sealed
- Test stand solutions - e.g., clutch disc test rigs
- Measurements for preventive maintenance of heavy machinery
Your benefit - our goal
A wide range of specific solutions, based on standard component imc hardware and software, provide users with a variety of benefits:
- Simple user assistance by means of specific software solutions
- High flexibility in everyday use, as well as universal applicability, through the use of proven standard components
- Because they are suitable for connection to practically all existing analog sensor and signal sources, no additional components are usually required
- Synchronized measurements without channel-dependent delays for field busses
- Direct input from various buses such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay, etc.
- Extremely durable, compact, and PC-independent hardware (black box functionality, extended temperature range, shock and vibration resistance)
- Increase the flexibility and effectiveness through physically distributable measurement modules
- From the sensor to the report: productive measurements, as well as fast evaluations and reports, through integrated hardware and software solutions
- Real-time calculations already performed by the measuring device will save time
- A consistent user interface in all imc systems saves on familiarization time
- Networking and synchronizing capability for all imc measuring devices
- Application specific extensions
- Everything from a single source - throughout the entire measurement cycle