=============================================================================== FAMOS 2022 Revision history =============================================================================== Revision 4: Release 12.2022 =============================================================================== #39114: [Sequence Editor] Context menu command "Dialog Editor" sometimes causes a crash #39140: [Function Assistant] Direct execution of FOR, FOREACH, UNCERTAINTY_LOOP, BEGIN_PARALLEL commands crashes #39207: [Panel] Arrangement/Align: Widgets are only aligned graphically incorrectly, values ​​remain in old position #39250: [Panel] Switch/Checkbox locked after panel export, unlockable #39223: [Sequence Engine] Potential instability after calling a Box*() function in a floating panel #39291: [Sequence Engine] Potential instability (locking issue) on FOREACH loop #39607: [Sequence Engine] Potential instability after calling PnLoad() in a sequence #39468: [Project Manager] Potential instability after loading a project with "Reset FAMOS" option (aka "Last Session") #39470: [Python Kit] Add support for Python 3.11 #39293: [Curve window] Scaling problem with resolution #39491: [Curve Window] Export of (dimension line) markers on panel moves marker position #38985: [Curve Window] Table no longer scrolls like in previous versions #39626: [Curve window] Unit manager: Also allow k .. T (kilo .. Tera) for unit "var" Revision 3: Release 08/2022 =============================================================================== #38874: [Function library] The FsGetFileNames() function caused an infinite loop on FAMOS in all GUI languages except German. #38933: [Function Library] XlSheetAdd: Excel crashes if the specified template file did not exist. #38904: [Function library] Curve Window: The functions CvPosi() and CvAttrib(), which were obtained for compatibility, caused a crash in FAMOS 2022 R2. #39025: [Function library] For a selected variable with group membership: The VarGetName? function returned only the channel name without associated group. The error occurred only in FAMOS 2022. #39004: [Function library] Videokit: The VpPause() function no longer worked if VpPause() and VpContinue() had been executed before. #38984: [File Assistant] (Version FAMOS 2022 R1 and R2 only) The file assistant was displayed with German interface only. Affected all languages. #38963: [Dialog Editor] Dialog with at least two curve windows: In design mode, a configuration change of a curve window, e.g. resize, caused a crash. #39000: [Projects] Potential instability after replacing the contents of the input window when loading a project has been fixed. #38956: [Kernel] Deleting variables with measurement associations has been accelerated to 1/10th of the duration compared to versions 2022 R1 and R2. #38954: [Variable List/Measurements] Updating the variable list took extremely long for many variables associated with measurements. #38290: [Curve Window] Navigate Toolbar: The functions of the buttons 'To left/right edge of curve' were without function. #37964: [Curve Window] Detection of speed or rotation frequency has been optimized. #37963: [Curve Window] During graphic export, the resizing of the curve window was slower than the export. This caused a wrong size in the exported image. #38784: [Sample projects] The old imc logo was replaced in the sample projects. #38909: [MDF4 import] Importing files in MDF4 format (4.10) could cause FAMOS to crash. (with defined but not referenced axes) #11974: [Import filter] If the necessary NI DLLs are missing when loading TDM/TDMS files, a reference to the FAMOS help now appears, explaining how to download the NI DLLs. [Importfilter] Setup signed with GlobalSign timestamp server #38884: System requirements now list required OS components in the technical data and manual. #38940: [Kernel] A potential crash (JIT error message) when handling measurements is now prevented. #38922: [Function library] LowLevel API: Using FFL_EventAppend() and FFL_EventDel() directly could cause a crash under very rare circumstances. a crash could occur. Revision 2: Release 07/2022 ============================================================================== Initial public release. #38113: [Sequence Editor] When copying/pasting a sequence function, the "Newly created variables .. local" option is lost #38460: [Sequence Engine] "FOREACH ELEMENT" statement fails if run variable is a pre-existing text field #38517: [Report Generator] Drag&Drop curve window over shape or picture object: long timeout #38508: [Import] Optimeas OSFimport.dll prevents multiple instances from imc FAMOS from starting #38678: [Kernel] Exiting FAMOS does not save some preferences (e.g. favorites, sequence editor options). #38492: [Panel] Memory problem: widgets are (suddenly) no longer displayed correctly #38706, #38638, #38676, #38640: Fixed potential instabilities related to multithreading locking issues #38773: [UI] Updated Chinese translation #14485: [File Assistant] Number formats long and double added [Curve window] Drop-down menus, 3D effects: The "menu shadow" (right/bottom) may be drawn incorrectly [Curve window] Map from Internet-> Crash when zoom factor was changed with mouse scroll wheel. [ASCII import assistant] Placeholder in the freely defined time stamp: S for ms [Dateneditor] Absolute time started at 01.01.1980. Revision 1: Release 02/2022 ============================================================================== Initial release.